The purpose of Radio Italiana in Florida, the Radio of True Common Sense, is to help people think for themselves.
By separating the false from the true we can get out of today’s confusion. This is COMMON SENSE.
Free men have joined this radio contributing with their in-depth interviews and documentaries, thus creating a pluralist platform, free and without ideological preconceptions…
Everyone can express and share their opinion or results of their original research.
This is the radio of those who, eager for the truth, are ready to share their opinions without foul language, hatred, offense and illegality.
This radio/podcast/tv/digital broadcast tries to use REAL common sense.
This means that it judges the actions of people (not people) based on how much survival they cause for the greatest number of people, animals, plants and the physical environment in the long term.
So it doesn’t mean that we support all the choices made by a group/association, it doesn’t mean that we espouse an ideology regardless.
We can agree for a person’s true common sense action and disagree with the same person for another “less common sense” action.
Therefore we only approve those actions of TRUE common sense that all religions, political groups, associations and individual citizens push us to do.
We only approve those actions of true common sense that someone proposes from time to time, no matter whether they are left, right, center, democratic, liberal, conspiracy theorist or republican.
We like to positively evaluate TRUE COMMON SENSE actions, that is, those that create the greatest possible survival for the greatest number of people, animals, plants and the physical environment in the long term.